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Quizzes and tools to help you know your health
AmeriHealth Caritas Delaware members can use WebMD Ignite's quizzes and tools to learn more about your health. Each tool is easy to use. Find the topic that interests you. Fill out the questions on the online form. Get instant results about your health and risks for diseases and conditions.

Eating healthy
Fats in Foods Quiz
Too much of the wrong fats can be bad for your health. Take this quiz to learn more about the fats that hide in the foods you eat.
Herb and Spice Quiz
Herbs and spices can be a great way to flavor low-fat foods. Take this quiz to learn more about flavors in the foods you eat.
The Big Fiber Quiz
Experts say that fiber can be good for your diet. But how much of which kinds of fibers should you eat? Take this quiz to find out.
Trans Fat Facts and Fiction
Not all fats are the same. Some can be much worse for your health than others. Take this quiz to learn more about trans fats and how they impact your health.
Take the Healthy Snacks Quiz
Snacking can be healthy. Small, frequent meals can help control weight. Find out which foods are best for snacking with this quiz.

Calorie Burn Rate Tool
The more active you are, the more calories you burn. See how many calories you burn throughout your day.
Target Heart Rate Tool
Your target heart rate is the range that is considered safe during exercise. Find yours here.

Smoking and tobacco use
Cost of Smoking Tool
Do you know how much money you could save if you quit smoking today?
What Do You Know About Smoking During Pregnancy?
Take this quiz to learn more about how smoking can affect your baby.

Stress management
What Do You Know About Stress?
Too much stress can affect both your emotional and physical health. This test will help you learn your life "stressors."

Substance use
Cost of Drinking Tool
Alcohol can be a costly habit. Find out how much you spend per week and per year on alcohol.

Weight management
Body Mass Index (BMI) Tool for Adults
Use this tool to help find out if you are at a healthy weight. Body mass index (BMI) uses height and weight to find out body fat in adults.
Body Mass Index (BMI) Tool for Children and Teens
Use this tool to help find out if your child is at a healthy weight. Body mass index (BMI) uses height and weight to find out body fat. BMI for children and teens includes gender and age.
Miracle Diet? Fat Chance!
Ditch the fad diets. The only way to lose weight for good is to burn more calories than you take in. Take this quiz to learn tips on how to do just that.
What Do You Know About Holiday Sweets and Treats?
It’s hard to eat healthy over the holidays. Take this quiz to learn which foods are best to cut out and which treats are better for your health.
*The information should not take the place of your health care provider. If you have questions, talk with your health care provider. If you think you need to see your health care provider because of something you have read, please contact your health care provider. Never stop or wait to get medical attention because of something you have read in these tools.